Trustpilot says the reviews are published automatically, so there’s no censorship. You can scroll down to read reviews left by customers as well as replies from the company. You’ll also see if any reviews have been reported and removed for breaching Trustpilot’s guidelines. Team Clark has looked into Trustpilot to see if you can trust the reviews you’ll find there and to get an idea of how the website may help businesses and consumers. In this article, I’ll take a close look at what Trustpilot is, how it works and how to keep an eye out for fake reviews.
Informative, easy to access and extremely helpful
Every review on Trustpilot is screened by our bespoke automated fraud detection software that identifies and removes fakes. It looks at multiple data points, such as IP addresses, user identifiers, device characteristics, location data and timestamps, to determine if it exhibits patterns of suspicious behavior. On this page, you’ll find detailed information on how a company has used Trustpilot over the past 12 months. This includes where the company’s reviews come from, how its ratings differ per source, how many reviews it has flagged and whether those flagged reviews actually breached Trustpilot’s guidelines. The number of fake or harmful company reviews that Trustpilot removed from its platform, according to its second annual transparency report, released in 2022. The reviews are a way for consumers to gauge the reputation of a given company and for businesses to gain an understanding of how customers view that company.
Charles Longstaff reviewed Lancaster Insurance Services
Here, I could see that DressLily claimed its Trustpilot profile in 2015 and had responded to 99% of its negative reviews at the time of writing. Whether you’re a consumer wanting to read some reviews before you buy from a company for the first time or a business hoping to create a bigger online presence, Trustpilot may be worth checking out. You can create a free profile by using your Facebook or Google login or an email address. In addition, customers may receive a Trustpilot invitation from a business that they have recently used. By clicking on this link, a profile is automatically created with the personal information that you have already provided to that business.
- Beneath the option to write a review, you’ll see a breakdown of existing reviews.
- However, avoid accusing or blaming the customer when doing so.
- Although this an established business that many people trust, its reviews don’t reflect that (through no fault of Trustpilot’s).
My review was removed even though I…
At the time of writing, Fabletics had 110,109 reviews and averaged 4 stars, which is a great rating. Since then, the company’s average rating has decreased to 3.8. Anyone with a buying or service experience with a company can leave a review. To do so, you have to first create a Trustpilot profile, which is free.
Reviews and Ratings
In 2021, the company released its first-ever transparency report, which revealed that the company removed 2.2 million fake or harmful reviews—or 5.7% of the total reviews made on its platform. Most of oanda review those were identified and removed through its fraud detection software. The following year, the company increased their impact and removed 2.7 million fake or harmful reviews, or 5.8% of all reviews.
Some companies invite their recent customers to provide a review, in which case a profile is automatically created for new users with personal information that they already provided to that company. There’s no cost for consumers to leave reviews or for businesses to receive basic features. However, businesses that wish to receive more advanced services pay a monthly fee. Trustpilot is free to use, although you have to create an account to leave reviews or claim your business profile. There’s also an option for brands to pay for additional features such as advanced analytics and access to marketing assets.
Anyone with a buying or service experience can write a review and any company can use our basic services completely free of charge. However, avoid accusing or blaming the customer when doing so. Customers appreciate transparency and will be more forgiving of bad reviews if you accept responsibility for a poor experience and try to make it right. Trustpilot helps consumers shop with confidence and helps businesses build trust, grow and improve what they offer. The more consumers use our platform to share their experiences, the richer the insights we offer businesses, and the more opportunities they have to earn the trust of consumers from all around the world.
Anyone who’s had a genuine experience is welcome to write a review, good or bad. All reviews are treated equally—and we don’t allow companies to remove a review just because they don’t like it. On the other hand, many smaller online businesses that maintain active presences on the site have more useful reviews on their profiles. Just keep in mind that the type of product and the seller’s investment in its reviews on this platform may influence the accuracy of the results. In this article, we’ll take a deep dive into what Trustpilot is and whether its reviews are trustworthy.